Oh crap! I am soooo super duper uper bored! I am home alone now! I am serious about home alone. Haha!

Drew drew is not at home. He went out to bai nian with his friends. Mummy went out too. I have no idea where she went but yes, she went out. Daddy went out to work. See, daddy is so hard working and he won't be home for dinner tonight anyways.

Mummy is chasing me out of the house! Ok, not really chasing but yes, verbally asking me to go out. She kept asking "why are you at home? Why you did not go friend's place and bai nian? Why did not go out with friend? Why stay home for the whole of today?" And then she started her story about last time, she always go people house bai nian as a class.

Oh well, mummy doesn't really understand. Or should I say, my friends are not those kind of will go out and bai nian together. Yup! I know it is fun going around to bai nian together but sorry, my class does not does that. Suddenly, I feel like having class gathering like year 1.

Then mummy mention about her, under the company of daddy, with her group of friends going around to bai nian. And she also mention about going to the he-pang together with daddy. I did not know that mummy and daddy so romantic in the past. Haha! They always go dating and gai gai together.

Wa seh! And she after saying that, she asked me why I did not go out. So indirectly asking me why did not go out with npy seh! So end up, I just smile smile and continue watching television. Sadly, npy and I don't really go on date. Yes! We seldom go dating anyways. I realise my family had been asking me about npy and going out with him. Hmm!

Anna asked before (not once), why I am always home on the weekends? She say that last time, she and jonathan always go dating on the weekends. And I will always say "aiya, he busy ma." Haha! Then she will start asking me about how come he so busy. LOL!

Drew drew asked me before too. Occasionally, in the car, he will ask me why I am home or why I am not going out? Or sometimes, he will ask me why he don't see me going out. Oh crap! Another same answer "aiya, he very busy one ma." Seriously, I think this is the answer to all questions about him.

As it is lunar new year period, people had been asking me "why you never go npy place and bai nian?" Ahh! Same few questions and seriously, I find it damn hard to explain. But yes, it is not up to me seriously. Such things depends on him isn't it? Oh well! Complicated family background also. Haha!

Oh well! I am just bored! Haha! I am super happy, no school for me tomorrow. I can stay home and slack whole day! Whoo whoo whooo~ I shall go and see if there is movie to watch. Haha! Tralalala~

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