Yesterday is a bad + good day! Haha! Yesterday afternoon, I left house and headed down to SSDC for trial theory test. Ah shucks! I failed my trial theory test. I got 44/50. I have totally NO idea how and what to do. So yes, failed~
After theory test, I took 1 hour plus to reach douby ghaut from ang mo kio. So far! Ah! I was late and I had to rush down to church for enrolment day rehearsal. When I reach, esther, priscillia and I started training our slow march which is going to be done in the hall. OMG! I lost my balance a couple of times. Haha!
Then we headed up to the plaza and waited for the BB boys to come up. The colour party started training on our own and yes, quite pathetic =x I almost drop my flag when doing my drill. Haha! The flag is heavy one~ OMG! I am so damn weak =x
Suddenly, I feel damn no confident that I can do it well tomorrow for enrolment =( I feel so scared and worried. Ok, I am getting emo over it. I am damn scared I drop the flag or whatsoever. I need to gain some confident in myself hur?
Then we went to ms yp's room to help her with the gift wrapping. I took something from there! Haha! That thing is damn cute and nice =) And I manage to take the red one =x Hehe! After wrapping the gift, we went down to The Central for dinner.
We went to this japanese restaurant for dinner. The food is nice and yummy! We ate a lot of BLACK PIG! Haha! We chatted and start joking hur! Haha! Fun =)
Then we headed home~ Tired! By the time I reach home, it is already 10pm. I bathe and waited for my hair to dry and sleep! I think I played too much. Haha!
And today is a long long day for me~ Whee! Tomorrow will be another day~ Haha!
4:40 PM