I wanted to blog! I so wanted to blog but but but I forgotten what I wanted to blog! =(
I was walking around after driving today. And I saw something from watsons! OMG! It is the Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship! OMG! Something which I had been eying for quite some time. Long term relationship~ The bottle is so damn nice! RED!
See, isn’t it just so nice? The red is soo nice~ =x I am so tempted to get it! Ah! Ok, I am always tempted to get things which are red.
Oh yes! Something damn funny happened today.
I was on my way home from ssdc. I am waiting for the train at yio chu kang mrt station. I am listening to my mp3 and leaning on the wall, in front of door 6. There is this guy who just came up from the escalator, rushing. Then he stood in front of door 5. And suddenly, he walk towards me, gave me a smile and open his mouth. I took off my ear piece to hear what he has to say. And guess what he said?
He asked, “eh, is my hair messy?” I was stunned! I was like “huh? Oh, your hair is not messy =)” I kept giggling. OMG! The train came, so coincidental, he is sitting in front of me. He smiled to me and of course, I smiled back. And then he still point to his hair and give the question mark look. LOL! I kept signaling “ok~”
When he got down the train, he still call me out and say “Hey! Thank you ah!” So funny! Will you go and ask someone you don’t know whether your hair is messy? It is damn funny can! I kept giggling. I wonder why he so thick skin? LOL!
Today’s driving is fun. Ok, jahir took me again and we kept laughing in the car. I kept forgetting things and he keep saying me. And he say that I have a bad habit of not signaling. So er xin can! I got signal but did not have time to signal~ LOL! Long story~ But yes, he kept shooting me!
And he say I got a lot of ‘sound effect’ when I drive. When I do something wrong or my turning too wide, I will go “ahhh!”. And when I do something correct or turn very nicely, I will be damn happy and go “yay~”. He say I don’t look 20 at all! And he says that I sound like a kid! Er xin!
I am starting to like driving because I have nice instructors like jahir and mr koh! =)
I am going to work tomorrow. Don’t ask me what I am working as. I have no idea at all. Qian-er asked me to go and work. LOL! Just for 2 days~ Well, it kills time. I think I have to cancel wednesday’s driving already=( Oh well, I wish I can faster pass driving. I am so sick and tired of going down to ssdc on such melting weather!!!
For work reason, I have to reach bugis by 10am! OMG! That is so early! That means I have to wake up at around 8.30am! Oh my gosh! For the past few days, I don’t have school, don’t have any thing on, I wake up at 10.30am or even 11.30am. Tomorrow, alarm clock! =( I am so sleepy~