Fever, Please Go

Anne is sick! =(
Yesterday afternoon, I am already sick. My temperature went up to 39.0 degrees. Then I ate 2 panadol. After which, my temperature drop. However, at night, my temperature came up again.
In the middle of the night, I went to look for my thermometer and took my temperature, 40.5 degrees! OMG! I am feeling damn dry. My lips is like thick! I tried spamming water.
This morning, when I take my temperature, it is 40.2 degrees. Still having high fever. I went to see the doctor when mummy came home from the market. At the clinic, I spent a damn long time waiting for my turn to come. Crap!
The doctor took my temperature and it is 40.1 degrees. She says that my heart beat is damn fast too. She asked me if I attended anything and I told her camp~ Ah! She say that maybe it is due to the lack of sleep, running around and under the sun for a long period of time. So she say it may be due to heatiness. I got sore throat and cough too!
She says that if the fever doesn’t subside, it is better if I go down to tan tock seng to check for h1n1. Damn! I just came back from camp and I fall ill. I hate falling ill.
I had been lying on my bed since yesterday night. I get out of the bed for my meals and toilet break. For the rest of the time, I am staying in bed and mummy will bring my medicine and food to me.
I am feeling damn unwell!!! =(

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