Boohoo! Poly is starting next week. It has nothing to do with me though. My concession ends next week too. So stupid! That means my fare is all adult fare =( I am going to camp at home. That help in saving money. I am jobless, no extra income.
Today is the last week of holiday already! Oh oh oh~ I am waiting for university letter. Whee!
I am supposed to be busy and happy this week. Well, thanks to some reason, I am going to be quite free =) On tuesday, thursday and friday evening, I got driving. I did not go for driving for one week already! OMG! My progress is so super slow~ Wheee!!!!
Initially, there are many plans for this week. But overnight, it is all cancelled. It’s ok. I can stay home nua. I think the cancelation is good too. Well, at least can do things that I want to do. It doesn’t really matter too =)
I want to sleep! Torturing cum emo~