A18 Monthly Affair

It is going to be 4am soon. You must be thinking, why am I STILL awake. Oh well, I am awake because, I just woke up not long ago. I think most of my friends just went to bed since it is weekend tomorrow! My long awaited weekend is ruined by some stupid, useless, waste of my time canvassing.
Yesterday was a damn fun day! =) Members of A18 celebrated the october babies’ birthday! We had tons of fun laughing and playing around. Thanks them so much for lighting up my day =) How I wish we can stay together next semester, next next semester, next next next semester, next next next next semester and many more other semesters!
Let the photos do the talking!
CardThis is the card that we have done for the 4 birthday boys. Isn’t it just so nice? I love the cards!!
A18The girls, the guys and EVERYONE! All of us wore black and we purposely made the birthday boys wear white! Isn’t just so cool? The black and white series! We look like some back ground crew doing the job!
RandomsWhoooo!!! Photo taking is always fun when there is mirrors and stairs! =)
Table 1Top clockwise: beatrice, farina, jiunn kai, peng siang, anne, charmaine, ryan, malcolm, **error in photo** elisa.
There isn’t enough space for 20 of us thus we are separated into two groups. These are the people from table 1 =)
Table 2Top clockwise: samson, hui kiang, tai wei, zhi hui, cassandra, jun jie, bernard, cheng xi, chia weei, daniel.
And 2. Haha! 
Seriously (reminds me of din. hahaha!), I had a fun time with them. They are a group of fun and funny people. There are more females as compared to my times in poly. I had a bad time with some females in poly and I thought that it will be another history repeat. No, they are damn nice! =) And of course, they are less bitchy **opps** than some I saw in poly.
And, EVERYONE in my class is from JC except samson and I. Sadded! I am the ‘da jie’ among the girls, samson is the ‘da ge’ among the guys. Oh~~~~
To end off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCTOBER BABIES!! 3 who are 21 this year and 1 who is 22!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Not only we stone, we pebble, we boulder but we rock too! =)

©2006 milky-milkie.bs.com